Fresh Coffee
6pc Wax Melt
Just like the real thing, only … waxier! We’ve added this lovely nugget to our inventory by popular demand. You read that right - people seem to love the smell of coffee. Weird, right?
This wonderful creation smells just like a strong pot of hot, freshly brewed coffee that slaps your right in the kisser and yells “WAKE UP” with notes of ground coffee beans, and a touch of sugar and cream to add the perfect amount of sweetness.
PLEASE NOTE: Local orders (Northern New Jersey) by email or direct message only. CLICK HERE. Items currently not for sale directly via this website. Please follow us on social media and check our Events page to find out where and when we will be selling our candles and curiosities in your area. Or, feel free to email us if you live in the Northern New Jersey area is you would like to make a purchase or have a special request.